There are times in our lives when we feel so alone... its as if everybody has turned their backs all of a sudden. Its like the world has gone crazy and you are by your lonesome, cold, weary, hungry, tired and alone. You look somewhere for something but its not there anymore. You sometimes see things only for a fleeting moment, cloudy and very temporary, more like a mirage... life will knock you down on all fours... life will make you crawl literally but the good thing is that life will likewise help you up. nothing is ever permanent in this world. all these comes with the realization that we are never alone, in fact, during the times that we felt so alone, There is actually somebody who is there with us, keeping us company all throughout our ordeal, He sits there silently with us, keeping watch. He cries when we cry, He hurts when we hurt, He helps us up when we are down... and He forever reassures us that His love is everlasting. Seeing is hard, but all He asks of us is to trust blindly, like that of a child... to trust with all our hearts for His mercy and His compassion. And He wants us to feel His presence by "seeing" with our hearts... to see and feel that His goodness is beyond measure, that He is always constant in our lives. It is through this constancy that we will never be alone... He alone cares when all others stop caring, He alone protects when we are at our most vulnerable, He alone feeds us when we are "hungry", He alone gives us rest when we are tired, He alone warms us when we are cold and weary... God alone is enough...
Have a "trusting" weekend y'all! PEACE!