Saturday, August 4, 2012


A chair is still a chair, even when there is no one sitting there… but a chair is not a house and a house is not a home when there’s no one there… a room is still a room even when there’s nothing there, but a room is not a house and a house is not a home…  

so says the lines from the song Home. The lines suddenly struck me one morning while lazily abusing  the laptop and listening to it made me realize a lot of things. Well, for one, I am literally home alone because my kids are on “the other side of the fence”. Missed the sound they make each day… missed their smiles, missed the laughter’s, the stories, everything about them actually… Maybe missing them was understatement to say the least. They have been my companions in this sorry life that I have… they are the reasons why I am still alive to this day and how I thank God for this gift of my children. They have helped me keep my sanity and kept my hopes up that things will somehow turn out for the better, not just for me, but for all of us. Being alone the last couple of weekends made me realize that there is truth to the adage that “no man is an island”. All of us need people in our lives, one way or the other. In my case, my kids are “the” people in my life. One of the things I so look forward to at the end of each day are the hugs and kisses of my youngest child, that of my only daughter. Takes the tiredness and the weariness away. I don’t know about you, but I always look forward to it… that great big hug she gives me and that wide smile that goes with it. Wouldn’t exchange that for anything in this world. I mean, nothing like a great big hug to cap off a tiring and weary day. Just absolutely perfect for me. Not to be outdone are my two boys. The eldest one is so responsible now and has been most helpful in keeping the house in a state of orderly disarray, hahahaha! Also is the fiscalizer in the house. the second one is ever thoughtful. He gets to and always is the first one to ask about how my day went and how am i… is also my caretaker every time am down with something and is my very able assistant in my “office” (the kitchen).  Of the 3, I think the 2nd one got the better number of my cooking genes. Another thing that I sorely missed is our weekly DVD movie marathon with matching chips and that all time favorite, fish crackers dipped in a fiery vinaigrette which the 2nd one most often concocts.  

Am just so thankful that I get to experience all these because in a couple of years more, I don’t know if they would still be the same with their big hugs and kisses for this old man. You know kids, someday, they would all stop to doing some things because they feel that they have outgrown them or the awkwardness would start to sink in. someday soon it will happen but in the meantime, let me just cherish those moments I  have with my kids because they won’t stay as kids forever.

Being home alone likewise, gave me the peace, quiet and the time to take stock of some things in my life. In these moments of solitude, I came to see my God more clearly. Get to hear Him and His messages for me. One of which is the assurance of His goodness, His mercy and compassion… “ The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made (psalms 145:9)”… He opened up my eyes further to the beauty of this world… “O Lord, what a variety of things You have made! In wisdom you have made them all” (Psalms 104:24). And the innate goodness of man. Yes, man is still good despite of his humanity… we may not know it sometimes but we all are still human in our ways and in our lives. I guess, that is the reality of it all. But being human makes for our desire to earnestly follow God. By being human, we are reminded that nobody is ever perfect in this world. Nobody was and nobody ever will be. Only God is perfect.

So, with the temporary absence of my kids, I am learning to somehow find “home” in this solitary state. I have always dreaded the fact that someday soon, I will be reduced to a lonely state of life because my kids will have to go… to find out and make their own niche in this world. And in this state of prelude of things to come, I am very pleased to say that I have found my “home”. As they say… Home is where the heart is. And my heart is with my God and God is my home. Wishing y’all a blessed and peaceful Sunday. God bless!       

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