hey y'all! Somebody's given me an award. Wow! Much love and thanks to Bogie of BOGIE's WONDERLAND for this award. truly appreciate this.
Amiable Amy, Cookie's Corner, Bogie's Wonderland, Excess Baggage, (your blog/url here)
I would love to give this award away to my blogger friends according to the following rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees
My nominated blogs are :
1. Juliana - Pinay WAHM
2. Eugene - BOLD TALK
3. Iceah - Chicken Heart
4. Ms. Elle - The Noble and the Nonsense
5. Ilocana - Pinay Thoughts n Words
My message to these people:
The Blogworld has given us a lot of things to be thankful for and is so full of practically everything; an outlet for our creativity, in writing, in photography, in research, the best for me is to have the found the friendship of these 5 people... and i have found you people as real as possible and not just virtual friends. May the blogosphere be saturated by people like you!
And to Bogie, thanks for introducing me to blogging. May our good Lord bless you and keep you. Gbu!
Hi Bong....
Salamat ng marami. Musta na ang health natin dyan? Hopefully, you're back to your old self....no more flu.
Ingat lagi....
thanks bro, you made me feel brand new,,,so happy to see my name there, you have my support to all the way.......
hey ,how nice of you c: thanx for nominating me c: be posting this soon c:
Hello ho, kumusta .. Naks naman,, salamat ho for sharing this award.
I'll post it soon.. Again, agyamanak unay ^_^.
Take care and more blessings ho sa inyong lahat dyan...AMY...
thank you so much! i really appreciate it. really. thanks talaga. may God bless you always! :)
congrats for this award. It feels good to receive an award, and you deserve it.
Ester's Raptured Dreams
Ester's Celebrity Blog
Array Of Hopes
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